Friday, January 21, 2011

Remembering to Pray

I already blogged about this but I should reiterate. I feel like I've been leaning towards selfishness more and more as of late. As yucky as that is I'm thankful to have identified it because now I can walk the other way, ideally.

I hadn't been praying very much. I'm not sure when it started to dwindle off I just know that I hadn't. My main prayer time is in the car while driving. I don't even listen to music in the car because I like to spend that time in prayer. I discovered talk radio awhile back. At first there was just one show I listened to but now I've been listening to three shows during the different times of day that I drive and truth be told there's no praying going on while talk radio is rambling away. Needless to say talk radio is going to take a break for awhile. This year has been too blah, I have been too blah, and I miss prayer time.

The drive to work Wednesday morning was great. Just before I arrived at work I started to seek the Lord about going back to Guatemala this year. I really want to go but I don't know at present if it's something God wants. An odd thing happened while I was at work. I work alone. I always work alone. Wednesday a different merchandiser from a different company ended up doing a reset directly next to me. She was really very friendly and began a conversation with me as soon as she arrived. After not too long we began talking about missionary work. About how she spent the first 18 years of her life in Africa with her missionary parents, about how I'd gone to Guatemala on several occasions, about how her and her husband are moving back to Africa to be missionaries themselves, about God and His love for people and the vast need this world has. We talked about mission work and about God for about 3 hours. I always work alone. Wednesday morning was a GREAT morning.

I didn't think about it until later in the day but I'd prayed for most of my drive to work about Guatemala and then about going back to Guatemala. Then I spent 3 hours talking with a total stranger about mission work. It just seems too appointed to be a coincidence.

Yesterday I prayed some while driving up to Ludington. It was nice. I'm missing the news but I'm so happy to be back on track. Just before I left Ludington I ended up having probably a 30 minute conversation with a team leader all about God and how great He is and what a miracle life is. It was an incredibly uplifting conversation and if that weren't enough it's always great to find fellow believers. To me it's almost like finding buried treasure. It's like were all camouflaged and we speak in code but once we're given the right signals we surface and we're like,"Hey, I'm on your side too... Yay an ally."

To sum it up: while reminding myself to Live Life and not just exist I need to remember to pray as well. That simple act adds so much color to the picture.

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