Sunday, October 2, 2011

This and That

I didn't get too much accomplished during September concerning Ireland Geography month. I memorized the counties in Ulster and Connaght, although I didn't look up pronunciation for any of them. This month I'd like to finish memorizing the rest of the counties. I'd also like to learn some of the waterways, lakes, mountains and such. Despite the slow going I'm happy with the little progress. At least now if I read about something in Donegal (which I desperately want to visit now... we didn't go that far north when we were in Ireland) or Sligo, I actually know where abouts in Ireland it's referring to.

In other news I plan to BAKE a pie this month. I know I have HUGE goals and aspirations. Really though I'll be quite happy if I manage to bake one pie in October. Additional aspirations include all things artsy. I'd like to make a few (or at least one) Christmas gift this month, draw something, sew something, and knock out the three photo shoots I've got pileing up due to fatigue and uncooperative weather.

Tis all for now.

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