Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Joy

Sometimes there's so much joy in simple things, okay and delicious things. Today started with strawberry pancakes and hot coffee filling my tummy and worship music filling the house. There's a strong breeze in the warm sunny air today and it's been whooshing through the leaves on the trees all morning. While attempting to clean the kitchen I opened the widow so that I could hear the music in the wind. It's fantastic. Deedee perched herself on the window sill to watch for birds and to sun bathe. Seeing my kitty lounging happily in the window in all her beauty and splendor and joy warms my heart. The sight is a fine accompaniment for the sporadic cleaning I've been struggling to accomplish.

In between odd cleaning (I wiped down the litter box and the boot tray we keep it on, cleaned off the kitchen garbage can, swept a portion of the floor (yes just part of it as of yet), magic erasered one wall and the edge of the fridge, and washed dishes of course... I clean the same way I used to complete home work (2 weeks late as a rule)) I've been retreating to blogger and washing laundry all morning. I've been hanging the laundry on the line in the backyard and I have to tell you there's something about not using the dryer and having towels wafting in the breeze in the backyard that makes me a bit giddy. I feel a sense of accomplishment and a bit of pride for going that little extra step to save money on energy costs and do my eensy weesny part to conserve fossil fuels. It may be crazy but having the clothes on the line in back makes me feel a little connection to the past, to a simpler life (not easier but much simpler) and I revel in it.

Today's been splendid, the 5 hours of it that I've been awake. I love the bits of time when the simple things jump out at me, grab my attention and remind me that life is a grand adventure to be lived.

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