Monday, May 30, 2011

May 21, 2011

I've a lot to say on this subject and I've not organized my thoughts... here goes:

I prayed for those people who believed so adamantly that the world would end that day. They sold their belongings and spent their life savings on ad campaigns to get the word out. They spent months traveling the world to warn of it's end and destruction. They canceled their life insurance policies, gave away their pets (to the non-believers). These people were hard core. Like my sister said, anytime someone declares a date that the world will end it's pretty much a given that it's NOT going to end that day. That one specific day is like a get out of jail free card... go ahead, live it up, Jesus is not gonna come back that day and He didn't. It's sad, those people believed with everything they had. Everyone's made fun of them but could you even begin to imagine the heartbreak of being that wrong!?!?

This should probably be a second blog but I'll be brief. I'm sitting here asking God, how could all those people who were apparently hoping on You be so misled? How did that happen; how does that happen? I KNOW that God is real. I'm SURE that Jesus is coming but so were they... So, quick answer: the devil, the deceiver, the one who lies as an occupation, if he's able to pull off a stunt like this, he's able to make Jesus' return look like a joke. And well, he did it. That's the gist of it. The devil is a jerk. (what lies does he have you believing???)

Now down to my point. Those people were wrong. We all knew they were. They didn't know but we did. Everything they were believing was contrary to scripture despite what that crazy man was telling them. But the question I keep asking myself despite their foolishness and insanity is, "am I as faithful, as devoted, as passionate, as crazy for God, for Jesus, for righteousness as they were?" I'm pretty sure those fools have one up on me. I'm not living like today's my last. I'm not really telling anyone about Christ or God... not really. I try and be good. I try and live according to scripture (sort of in my own twisted way... after all scripture says to sell all you have go into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come; I'm not doing that... I sort of left that up to the crazy people now didn't I).

I'd just like to say unless you're sharing Christ and the living word, the living water with the world, the whole world and devoting everything you have to HIS cause then please don't make fun of the people who (quite foolishly) tried. Pray for them... I can't even imagine what it was like for them when He didn't return. BUT He is returning... probably not on October 21st though... oops, he did it again.

Wow, we've a long way to go. Thank God for Jesus, for redemption, for LIFE!

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